The Quad E staff is composed of licensed professionals which includes; family practice physicians, certified facilitator, family nurse practitioners, clinical pharmacist/certified diabetic educator, dietitian, licensed clinical social worker (therapist), case managers, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified nursing assistants, exercise specialist, administrative assistants and others.

Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more

-Top 5 chronic diseases are Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic respiratory disease, Cancer and Stroke

-Making Healthy choices reduce your chance of getting chronic diseases and improves your quality of life.

-Quad E believes that serving our communities through Engagement and Education helps us to be Empowered to make the necessary healthy choices to Eradicate premature death from preventable diseases.
Quad E


Quad E was founded to serve the uninsured, under-served and at-risk communities.

Our four E’s form the foundation of our mission:

  1. We Engage our communities by being mobile and meeting them wherever they are.
  2. We Educate them about resources available in the community, how to take better care of their health, how to make decisions that will have a more positive impact on their lives
  3. We Empower them to be their own advocate and to understand that no matter the circumstances they can make choices to improve their overall well being
  4. We show these communities that preventable premature death can be Eradicated by making better choices to improving our health


Quad E targets at risk populations. This includes persons suffering from mistreatment, injury, disease or the effects of dysfunctional behavior which is likely to result in injury, disease or other negative consequences. In the community we target vulnerable populations that include; the undeserved, uninsured/under insured and the elderly. By providing basic health screenings we encourage at risk populations to actively take part in disease prevention and health promotions through identified community resources. On our corporate side, Quad E Corp provides training and tools to those professionals that provide care to these at risk populations.


Quad E strives to provide education through a variety of forums to include;
Health Seminars on topics such as hypertension, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, stress reduction, diabetes and cancer.  We also discuss preventative measures which includes immunizations, dental health, cancer screenings, nutrition and exercise along with other aspects of positive lifestyle choices.

On our corporate side, we provide training in multiple areas to include personality/emotional intelligence, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), sexual harassment and rape prevention which are targeted areas that strengthen professional integrity and improve work performance.


​Our goal at Quad E is to equip at risk populations by providing basic education, health screenings and training which will motivate them to make holistic lifestyle choices that both prevent disease and promote overall wellness for themselves and their families. On our corporate side, we provide targeted training that will improve interdepartmental cooperation, professional integrity and productivity which fosters positive overall company growth.


​Through Engaging, Educating and Empowering at risk populations Quad E seeks to eradicate preventable diseases and premature deaths. Our corporate arm aims to eradicate adverse events of sexual harassment/assault and employee conflict.


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