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[vc_column_text]Mary Ann Streeter was a native of Cleveland, Ohio and being the eldest sibling of four; she was the undisputed leader.  Mary Ann was always an exceptional student earning educational honors throughout her academic career.  She was inspired to be a Nurse Practitioner through the care she received as a child from her family nurse practitioner provider.  In 1991, she married a soldier; Lindsey Streeter and together they became a military family with 2 boys and 2 girls.

Mary Ann was diagnosed with Breast cancer in her 30s while caring for her young sons and family. During her 20 years battle with Breast Cancer, she realized the disparity between persons facing the disease with and without insurance and her concern grew. From her adversity, her vison for Quad E was born and she established the non-profit in 2015.

Mary Ann went home to be with the Lord in February 2020 but her Quad E legacy continues, we have provided services to thousands of persons and continue to grow .[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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